HELLO friends!
A few things as we start in on this lifestylePLUS blogging adventure….
- You will see typos and grammatical errors, I apologize in advance
- This will probably be the longest post you will see from me
So a little back story… when I was unexpectedly let go over 5 years ago and I was having to create a new website for my photography business I remember sitting in my playroom with my husband and friend discussing it. Should it be katienorridphotography.com or just katienorrid.com? I was leaning more towards katienorrid.com rather than katienorridphotography.com because Katie Norrid is not just photography. I remember our friend sitting there saying, in a few years when you are sharing more than just photos you will be thankful it is just katienorrid.com. Here I am 5 years later and sharing more than just photos. That’s why it has always been katienorrid.com and @katienorrid minus the “photography.”
Don’t get me wrong, I am completely obsessed with photography and say it all the time that even if I was a billionaire I would still be doing this because I love it so…. However, my roles have changed– especially this last year. I am now a mom of 3 and have 4 amazing team members as a part of the KNP Team. They are SOOOO amazing that I am now able to be very selective on how many sessions I take and still knowing that KNP clients will get the “Katie” experience with anyone they book from the KNP team. I really can’t articulate how grateful I am for this group and how they have changed my life. I was able to have a real maternity leave and will be able to take off this summer with my kids as well because as much as I do love this little business we’ve created, I love my little humans and their daddy so much more.
I started a personal Instagram a little over a year ago and have had so much fun showing a little peek inside my home with my kiddos and what we do daily (usually in pajamas). It has been so fun to share recipes with friends and share activities that we enjoying doing as a family, as well as some time saving tricks for photographers, moms and humans in general. So here we are sharing all that on a little more polished platform.
One of the favorite activities for my household is baking in the kitchen. I joke with people that my house is clean for 30 minutes on Tuesdays after the housekeepers leave at 1:00 and we return at 1:30. Then its covered in sprinkles, flour, glitter, paint or any number of other things my kids can find to create a “mess” with. So it only makes sense to do our first post about a recipe we love… CHOCOLATE-CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES. Are you ready for some chocolatey goodness to come your way? PREPARE yourselves!
Here is what you need + a few optional ingredients to take this cookie to a NEXT level treat!
- 1 Cup White Sugar
- 1 Stick (1/2 Cup) Softened Butter
- 1 Egg
- 4 TBSP Milk
- 1 TBSP Vanilla
- 1 3.4 oz Chocolate Pudding Mix (YEP!)
- 1/3 Cup Sour Cream
- ½ tsp Salt
- ½ tsp Baking Soda
- 2 Cups Flour
- 2 Cups Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips
- ½ Package of Vanilla Almond Bark
- Sprinkles
Now lets put it together…
- Cream together the sugar and butter with a mixer. Once fluffy add the egg, milk and vanilla and stir again.
- Then add the sour cream and pudding mix til its combined.
- In a separate bowl ( I usually just use the measuring cup) mix together the dry ingredients—flour, baking powder and salt.
- Add dry ingredients to the wet til they are almost completely combined… I like for it to be still a little flour-y when adding the chips in.
- Add the chocolate chips in and BOOM!
I use the smallest of these scoops from amazon or just use a spoon and plop them on a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicon sheet like this one from amazon as well
- Bake at 375 for 8-10 minutes (I like them a little more undercooked than over)
- Transfer to cooling rack and enjoy… or go for next level….
- Make sure cookies have completely cooled and dip them halfway into the melted vanilla bark, lay them on wax paper and sprinkle. This is where my kiddos come in handy!
ENJOY! I made these last week to take to Sunday dinner at the farm and not ONE cookie was left…
XO- Katie