Fall Family Session on Film

Fall family Session

We love the fall here at KNP and fall family sessions are now in full swing! The temps have been so great and we are pumped for our fall line up.

Have you all heard the news? The KNP Preset launched last week and the response has been overwhelming! We are so thankful and SO excited that so many of you purchased and are using+loving. We have a special code going out to our KNP VIP on September 30th so make sure you are signed up for our VIP list HERE!

Now give it up for the Bruback family! Some of my favorite people on the planet and Jena is all kinds of talent with hair and makeup. Check out her skills HERE!

fall family session on film
black and white photography
sisters on film

Film scanned and developed by The Find Lab

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Studio Birthday Session

Birthday Session

This studio birthday session made me smile from ear to ear when I looked through the gallery. Brittany is so amazing with kiddos and I love that she was able to document maternity, newborn and his birthday session.

We love the family we have at KNP and love seeing our clients come back for each milestone. It is such a special part of why KNP is the way it is! Brittany and I chat often, my husband jokes I talk to her more than him (he is only kidding, I think) and one thing that is always brought up is how amazing our clients are. You hear us say it a lot, but we are so very thankful for this opportunity to do what we love!

Now y’all enjoy this most precious studio birthday session by our ever so talented Brittany! AND I will say this again… our associates are amazing and the book up way faster than I do so if you want a session with them you better be on it or you will be stuck with yours truly! CLICK HERE and we will get you all set up!

Baby Details
milestone session
baby details

Don’t Forget to get on the KNP VIP List for new releases, events and freebies. CLICK HERE!

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Katie Norrid Mobile Presets



This is a BIG day for KNP and we are so excited that LAUNCH day for #theKNPpreset is finally here. We have put so much hard work into making these mobile presets really represent our brand and the KNP look. We hope they bless you and we hope you love using them as much as we do! 

#theKNPshop is doing 20% OFF all of #theKNPpreset (s) for LAUNCH DAY!

Launch day for The KNP preset


Launch Day for The KNP Preset


Launch Day for the KNP preset



We want+need you to SHARE THE LOVE! Please tag @theKNPpreset and use #theKNPpreset when you post your images using The KNP Presets. 

We will choose TEN winners over the next TEN days to get KNP Gift Cards to use in #theKNPshop or towards a session in 2021! 

We could NOT do this without each of YOU!

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” – Colossians 3:23-24

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Motherhood Session on Film

Motherhood on Film

This beautiful Motherhood Session on Film was the result of our 2nd Annual Ultimate Mother’s Day Giveaway. We had to postpone, like so many other things, because of Covid. The wait was worth it however, because it was truly magical! We had so many amazing local vendors donate to this giveaway! A HUGE thank you to these amazing people listed below:

We did full hybrid session with the use of ALL the cameras, 35mm, medium format, digital and video. I love how they all turned out!

I have also done a handful of giveaways in my day (seriously I love giveaways and wish I could do them all the time) and this beautiful momma was the most grateful winner ever! It felt SO good to hand over all the goodies + documenting her as the wonderful mother she is!

Now please enjoy a peak at the results of this Motherhood Session on Film.

Mother and son
brothers on film
floral crown motherhood session
Mother and Son

Film scanned and developed by The Find Lab

Friendly Reminder that #theKNPpreset launch is in one week! September 16th 2020! Add your email HERE to get special announcements, freebies, and discount codes!

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Family Snapshots | August 2020

Nash 9 Months Old and Big Sisters

milestone session

I have loved documenting my big boy with film over the last 5 months, but this month was crazy as he is ALL.OVER.THE.PLACE! He started walking this week and is just BUSY! You can see what I’m talking about in the video below. Sisters are still crazy about him and are already asking for another baby brother! (I am right there with them! #givemeallthebabies)

We all started school this month, including my boy! He still refuses a bottle but doing great besides only wanting mommy for milk. He LOVES being around new people and friends! We are so thankful for wonderful schools and wonderful teachers.

If you haven’t noticed yet, I am OBSESSED with black and white film. Classic and timeless. I have also included some iPhone images edited with #theKNPpreset that will be available for purchase next Wednesday September 16th! Back in early April I started doing virtual newborn sessions (check that out HERE) and editing the images shot with iPhones and that was the beginning of #theKNPpreset coming to life. These are mobile presets that will take your drab photos to light and bright! I am so ready to launch this!!! Add your email HERE to get on the KNP VIP list for the release of the presets!

I hope you enjoy this little peek into our life right now!

black and white family photos
milestone session
child headshots
9 month old session
black and white portraits
iPhone images edited with #theKNPpreset
iPhone Photos edited with #theKNPpreset
COMING September 16th 2020 to the Katie Norrid Shop

School Starts 2020

Back to School
Back to School
Back to school Pictures
iPhone Photos edited with #theKNPpreset
COMING September 16th 2020 to the Katie Norrid Shop

Film scanned and developed by The Find Lab

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