Martin Family on Film | Memphis Family Photographer, Family Photo Styling, Film Photography, Fine Art Photography, Black and White Photography

Family Poses, Family Photo Styling, guided Family Session

I absolutely LOVE family sessions, and now I REALLY love family sessions on film! I challenged myself with this session and didn’t even take my DSLR, only my 35mm and my Medium Format Camera left my bag! I shot the entire 45 minutes with film only and I have to say the addiction is real. You really have to slow it down, get the shot, not over shoot and know what you are doing. I am getting better at each session and learning each time. Done is better than perfect and I always say perfection is boring! Shooting film really speaks to the way I shoot anyways. My sessions are guided, but I really encourage play in order to capture true emotion. We knock out the boring look at me shot and then it is play time.

I have to say I am so proud of the work that I am doing and really getting back to why I do this… Not for likes on social media, not for gaining followers, but truly creating art for families. Getting back to what it is REALLY all about! I hope you enjoy and tell a friend!

black and white film photography

family session on film

Child Photography on film

black and white photography 
father daughter
father son

black and white film photography 
family session

family session on film

stylish family session

We would love to hear from! Shoot us an email or comment below!

XOXO, Katie

Film Scanned and Developed by The Find Lab

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Katie Norrid Photography Session Explanations Fall| Family Photographer, Fine Art Photography, Film Photography, Memphis Family Photographer

Here is the break down of all the sessions we offer during the fall/Christmas season at Katie Norrid Photography! We will have outdoor fall sessions, indoor and outdoor Christmas sessions and SANTA!

Micro-Mini Session

  • Up to 10 Minutes
  • 7 Digital Files (option to purchase additional files)
  • Family, Children “Poses” ONLY
    • These sessions do not include any other combinations, these are strictly for a family photo and a group shot of the children
  • One Outfit

Mini Session

  • Up to 15 Minutes
  • 15 Digital Files (option to purchase additional files)
  • Family, Children, Parents with Children “Poses”
  • One Outfit

Full Portrait Session

  • Up to 45 minutes (lead) / Up to 30 minutes (associate)
  • 40 Digital Files (option to purchase additional files)
  • All the “Poses”
  • Option for Two Outfits


We hope this helps you all see what we got going on and we can’t wait to see you this fall and BEYOND!

All Our Best,

Your Favorite Family Photographer- The KNP Team

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Newborn Twins in Studio |Film+Digital

We had the absolute BEST session with this new family of FOUR! They welcomed a sweet boy and precious girl last month who came to the studio and completely rocked their session. I shot Portra800 Film as well as ILFORD Delta 400 Black and White Film for their session along with my digital camera. Our entire session was less than an hour and it was truly magical. Mom+Dad trusted us completely and let me do my thing, and the results were so great. I hope you all enjoy these sweet babies and subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss out on the work going on at KNP.

Film Scanned and Developed by The Find Lab

Remember to sign up for our email list and follow along here at katienorrid.com

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Nash | 7 months on film

Just blogging away over here… I am truly loving this new journey with film. It has taught me more than ever to really slow it down, throw perfection out the window and then wait for the goodness. These are probably my most favorite images I have ever created.

Film Scanned and Developed by The Find Lab

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Nash Norrid / 6 months on film

These sweet images of our boy were taken with an old Canon AE-1 using Kodak Ultra Max 400 film. I just love them and want to start sharing more here on this space. More to come on that as well… But for now, here is Nash at 6 months on film in the KNP studio.

Kodak Film | studio milestone session

Film Scanned and Developed by The Find Lab

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