Nash 9 Months Old and Big Sisters
I have loved documenting my big boy with film over the last 5 months, but this month was crazy as he is ALL.OVER.THE.PLACE! He started walking this week and is just BUSY! You can see what I’m talking about in the video below. Sisters are still crazy about him and are already asking for another baby brother! (I am right there with them! #givemeallthebabies)
We all started school this month, including my boy! He still refuses a bottle but doing great besides only wanting mommy for milk. He LOVES being around new people and friends! We are so thankful for wonderful schools and wonderful teachers.
If you haven’t noticed yet, I am OBSESSED with black and white film. Classic and timeless. I have also included some iPhone images edited with #theKNPpreset that will be available for purchase next Wednesday September 16th! Back in early April I started doing virtual newborn sessions (check that out HERE) and editing the images shot with iPhones and that was the beginning of #theKNPpreset coming to life. These are mobile presets that will take your drab photos to light and bright! I am so ready to launch this!!! Add your email HERE to get on the KNP VIP list for the release of the presets!
I hope you enjoy this little peek into our life right now!
COMING September 16th 2020 to the Katie Norrid Shop
School Starts 2020
COMING September 16th 2020 to the Katie Norrid Shop
Film scanned and developed by The Find Lab