Fine Art Newborn Session | Mila on Film

Fine Art Newborn Session

Something so very beautiful about shooting film in the KNP studio, it is just heavenly if you ask me! This fine art newborn session was a total dream, baby Mila was a little angel and mom and dad beamed with pride!

I don’t think I will ever tire of photographing these beautiful babies. I can’t believe my oldest was this tiny just 6 years ago and now she rounding out her first week of kindergarten! I just don’t know how I already have a child old enough for kindergarten. It has been a GREAT week and she is LOVING it, but my goodness this is NOT the way I saw her first year of school going down. I am just doing all I can to give it to God. Praying so hard for these babies and all the leaders making BIG decisions for them. I do not like to wish things away, but I will be the happiest girl in the world when I drop off my child and I see big bright smiles rather than masks!

I think one of the reasons I love photographing newborns so very much is for the promise of hope that they bring. I am holding real life miracles and that is something that brings me happiness and hope always!!!

My baby whispering skills were rocking for sweet Mila, all my tricks worked like magic and we created some magic if I do say so myself! I hope you enjoy this beautiful fine art newborn session as much as I have!

Fuj400H newborn session
newborn baby details om film
Fine Art Newborn Session
newborn baby girl
Newborn Baby details
fine art newborn photography
Fine Art Newborn Session

Film Scanned and Developed by THE FIND LAB

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