I absolutely LOVE family sessions, and now I REALLY love family sessions on film! I challenged myself with this session and didn’t even take my DSLR, only my 35mm and my Medium Format Camera left my bag! I shot the entire 45 minutes with film only and I have to say the addiction is real. You really have to slow it down, get the shot, not over shoot and know what you are doing. I am getting better at each session and learning each time. Done is better than perfect and I always say perfection is boring! Shooting film really speaks to the way I shoot anyways. My sessions are guided, but I really encourage play in order to capture true emotion. We knock out the boring look at me shot and then it is play time.
I have to say I am so proud of the work that I am doing and really getting back to why I do this… Not for likes on social media, not for gaining followers, but truly creating art for families. Getting back to what it is REALLY all about! I hope you enjoy and tell a friend!
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XOXO, Katie
Film Scanned and Developed by The Find Lab